To order the Plastics Extrusion Operating Manual, please submit the following form, or contact us by email or telephone at the numbers given above.

Order Form - Plastics Extrusion Operating Manual

  • Ten printed manuals
    Price: $125.00
  • Two CDs, (printed manual included with each set of CDs)
    Price: $125.00
  • One Audio Manual plus one box of ten Printed Manuals
    Price: $195.00
  • $0.00

  • Payment can be made by check (payable to Allan L. Griff) or by major credit card (phone in card details or send in 1 or more separate emails) or electronic bank transfer (I send you account details, add $15 to cover bank transfer fee). We pay postage within the US (US Postal Service, Media mail, 5-7 days). For faster service, we can ship by courier collect or at an added charge. To other locations, shipping charges depend on the location and desired speed.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.